Ciencia Ciudadana | UPV

Timeline of Citizen Science and RRI actions at UPV

May 23rd 2024

IX Meeting of UPV Doctoral Students

The meeting included the lecture "Citizen science, a vision of the future" by Fermín Serrano Sanz (Ibercivis Foundation) and the round table "What opportunities does citizen science offer to researchers in training" with the participation of:
Salomé Cuesta, Vice-rector of Art, Science, Technology and Society, UPV.
Fermín Serrano, Ibercivis Foundation
Sandra Lucía Hernández Zetina, Professor at the Autonomous University of Mexico, PhD student UPV, developing the thesis "Citizen Science and Voluntary Geographic Information for the prevention of gender violence in the form of street harassment".
Ana Belén Anquela Julián, UPV University Ombudsman, Lecturer in the Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department, co-director of the thesis.
Moderator: Belén Picó Sirvent. Vice-rector of Research, UPV

Meeting programme

March 7th, 2024 - April 22nd, 2024

Safety Perception Mapathon.
Exploring experiences of our city streets.

The Citizen Safety Mapathon is a collaborative initiative in which groups of volunteers use a specific application designed to report their perception of safety on the streets of the city of Valencia.
They can point out areas where they feel unsafe as well as street harassment situations they have witnessed or experienced.
The application works on both computers and mobile devices, making it easy for a wide audience to participate.
The data collected contributes to the study of perceptions of safety in Valencia and allows the identification of areas that require improvement in terms of lighting, police presence or urban design.

UPV Project News

Project press release 1
Project press release 2

22 February 2024 - 07 March 2024

CiènciaLab. Gandia Campus

We open our Campus to future university students and participate in our laboratories in educational, curious and fun scientific workshops.

Project link

Video link

February 15th, 2024

A scientist in my high school 2024

For the sixth consecutive year, to celebrate the 11th F international day of women and girls in science, we visit the institutes that ask us, from first of ESO to high school, and we give a talk explaining the role of women in science over the centuries, we give a current view of the role of women in engineering and science in general, and we do some activity to awaken vocations and recognize women scientists.

Entity: Gandia Campus

Project link

01 July 2023 - 01 January 2025
Smart Lighting and Participatory Governance: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Open Data and Citizen Science in the Orriols Neighbourhood.

Álvaro Fernández-Baldor (I.P.); Antonia Ferrer Sapena; María Fernanda Peset Mancebo; Pedro Fernández de Córdoba; Carola Calabuig; Alejandra Boni Aristizábal; Miguel Enrique Iglesias-Martínez.

Entities: Orriols en positivo. Observatori de Dades Obertes de la GVA, Cátedra Gobernanza de la Ciudad de València.
September 16th & 17th, 2022
I Conference Towards a New Scientific Culture
February 27th, 2020
Victor Gallego
June 1st, 2020 - May 31st, 2024

DATAUSE. Maximizing the value of data in the agricultural area.
María Fernanda Peset Mancebo y Antonia Ferrer Sapena

Metodologías estables para evaluar y medir la calidad, interoperabilidad, blockchain y reutilización de los datos abiertos en el área agrícola.

July 1st, 2020 - September 30th, 2021

Research! Save the Planet!

Inmaculada Romero Gil

Entities: Institute of Water Engineering and Environment (IIAMA), Students of ESO, Bachillerato and Formative Cycles of the Valencian Community.

The project was awarded as an Outstanding Project by the FECYT. It is based on the launching of a public call for "research projects" on water and climate change, aimed at students of ESO, Bachillerato and Formative Cycles of the Valencian Community.

In the research projects developed a blog, poster, scientific article, scientific news and literary story, as well as a presentation and discussion event.


June 19th, 2019 - December 31st, 2025

Safor Salut

Pilar Sánchez Rivero and Jesús Alba Fernández

Safor Salut is a cooperation program between key agents of the Valencian health innovation system in the territorial area of La Safor and its surroundings: FISABIO-Gandia Health Department, FISABIO-HACLE La Pedrera, Gandia Campus (UPV) and the Federation of Business Associations of La Safor (FAES).

Collaborating institutions: Mancomunitat de Municipis de la Safor, Ajuntament de Gandia, Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria en la comarca de La Safor (AISSA), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer Gandia, Asociación Diagnosticats de Fibromiàlgia i Síndrome de Fatiga Crònica de Gandia i la comarca de la Safor (DIFFAC. GANDIA), Fundació Espurna, Asociación Parkinson Gandia-Safor, Associació de Familiars de malalts de Alzheimer de la Safor (AFA La Safor), Distrito Digital Comunitat Valenciana, Red de Institutos tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT) and Confederación Empresarial de la Comunitat Valenciana (CEV).

Project web link

Screenshot from 2024-02-21 12-00-10
Octover 3rd, 2017
Antonio Lafuente


Ciencia abierta, ciencia ciudadana y ciencia común: sobre el cómo, con quién y en dónde liberar el conocimiento. Antonio Lafuente. INGENIO UPV